contact page


Si tu as des questions ou si tu veux plus d’informations, tu peux me contacter par l’un des moyens suivants



+33 1 70 68 85 64

Formulaire de contact

Politique de confidentialité

Basic information on data protection:
Responsible: Daniela Fernanda Nolazco Echave
Purpose: Solve your possible doubts and inform you about our products and services.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party by checking the box “I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy”
Recipients: The data provided through the form will be located on the same website through the Flamingo plugin, which also saves the IP and Web Browser from which the form was sent. The website is hosted by Raiola Hostings, to read its Privacy Policy click here.
Rights: You have rights of access, rectification and deletion of your collected data. Contact us through, or using this same form, informing us what right to apply and we will do it as soon as possible.
